samedi 9 avril 2011

Tous les despotes ne sont pas semblables.

Dear Romeo,
April fools!!! Oh crap!
Sincerely, Juliet.

Dear high school students,
Back so soon?
Sincerely, Wikipedia.

Dear Internet browser,
Thank you for the 'delete history' button.
Sincerely, teenage boys everywhere.

Dear Chuck Norris,
Yeah, I can barbecue underwater.
Sincerely, Spongebob.

Dear women complaining about periods,
How do you think we feel?
Sincerely, tampons.

Dear Mother Nature,
I'd like to cancel my monthly subscription.
Sincerely, 99.9% of women.

Dear people who say I taste "too fishy",
What do you want from me?!
Sincerely, a confused salmon.

Dear daughter,
Nice dress. Where's the other half?
Sincerely, Dad.

Dear art teacher,
No, my canvas is not empty, I was painting with all the colors of the wind.
Sincerely, Pocahontas fan.

Dear people concerned about 2012,
We couldn't even predict our own deaths. Chill.
Sincerely, the Mayans.

Dear testicles,
We don't see the resemblance.
Sincerely, nuts.

Dear 2011,
Take it easy with the disasters, they still have one more year.
Sincerely, 2012.

Dear Edward,
Maybe the reason you can't read Bella's mind is because there's nothing in her head.
Sincerely, logic.

Dear room,
I only cleaned you because I had homework.
Sincerely, procrastinator.

Dear educated and skilled Titanic engineers,
Sincerely, Noah.

Dear kids,
Remember back when you used to play outside?
Sincerely, the Internet.

Dear Universal Technical Institute,
If you're going to steal an acronym, make sure it's a good one.
Sincerely, Urinary Tract Infection.


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